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Seven incredibly Benefits of almonds!

                  7 incredibly Benefits of almonds!


Almonds are one healthiest and finest dry fruit ever produce on the earth.

Almonds are the world's popular tree nut. Almonds are well known for the Nutrition values and antioxidants levels. This small dry fruit can find throughout the year.

Almonds are known as "Prunus dulcis". The best thing about the dry fruits is they can be found all over the year. Dry fruit is somewhat expensive but they are beneficial for the health.

In this article, I am gone to say about the health beneficial factors of almonds.

Healthy benefits

Healthy Heart

Almonds help in the lower the cholesterol levels because almonds are high in monosaturated fat which helps in the good fat which helps reduce the risk of heart.

Almonds are rich in potassium which helps reduce the high blood pressure and controls from the heart stroke. Potassium his responsible it helps trigger your heart to squeeze blood through your body. Increase the lipids in and is good for the heart.

Good fighter against diabetes

Almonds are low in carbs and high in fibers and fats which is the perfect food for the diabetic.

Almonds are good in magnesium which helps increase the blood sugar levels and function of insulin.

Healthy Intestinal

Consuming almonds daily increases the good bacteria in the intestinal.

Our intestine consists of 75 percent of bad bacteria and 25 percent good bacteria when the good bacteria decrease there is a chance affected with diarrhea.

Almonds help in promoting gut bacteria which prevent several intestinal diseases. Promote healthy tissue. Fibers are also good for the intestine.

Healthy skin

Have you ever feel the skin is dull and dry.  Then your body needs Antioxidants and nutrients. Almonds are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Which helps in healthy skin.

Almonds are rich in Vitamin E which helps in fight with free radicals which can affect the dermis. Anti-inflammatory properties of almonds are good for the skin.

 Almond oil is the best treating dry skin problems.


Reduce the risk of cancer

 From gynecologic and obstetric Investigation studies shown that consuming walnuts, peanuts and almonds help in the fight against breast cancers.

Helps in Weight loss

Almonds are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber, antioxidants, and proteins.  Fiber and protein help you keep fullness for a long time.

Almonds contain the fat but this fat-free food. Almonds help increase metabolism.

High in Vitamin E

Almonds are the best source of Vitamin E. Alzheimer's, Cancer and heart diseases decrease by taking the high vitamin E. 

 Almonds also contain fat-soluble antioxidants that help protect the cell- membranes from oxidation damage.


  • Almonds trees really need a hot and cold winter to grow.
  • Almonds nuts were 1st of the first foods awarded a qualified health claim in the US.
  • wild bees and honey bees for crop pollination for the almonds. No bees no almonds. So almonds are slightly costly.
  • In rain, night and early mornings bees don't pollinate.
Seven incredibly Benefits of almonds! Seven incredibly Benefits of almonds! Reviewed by Prashanth KP on December 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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