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 Berries? the first thing that comes to mind, when you think of berries. It tastes sweet. But berries are in different sizes and different tastes with different

Berries look gorgeous and taste wonderful. Across the world, berries have a crown of superfood because of reputation and benefits. From the past decade, it has grown consumption as well as harvesting.

 Today in this article we are going to know about unknown berries types.



Gooseberry is also is known as 'Amla'. This is the only berry that is different from the list because
of the sour taste. This tasted sour. But from the benefits, it is not less than any fruit in the berry family.

 High in vitamin C, this helps in combat against the antibacterial common cold and infections. Helps in the good immune system of the body. This is good fiber fruit which good bowel movements and helps in maintain stomach clean.


 In this list, zarberry are the most unknown fruit. Zara berries grow primarily in India in North Goa in local markets.
It looks like black and purple mix and it comes with a green seed inside. But many of Nutritionists suggest that Zara berry is healthy fruit. Zaraberry is also known as gracefulness of goa.
 It is high in antioxidants. It helps in controlling the blood pressure. It helps in maintenance of Cholesterol level in control. The flavoinds present in zaraberry helps control diabetes.


 This looks almost like blueberries but this is small in size. This fruit comes with a dark purple color with plenty of anthocyanin flavonoids.

This fruit as had calories but not good sufficient amount that needed to the human body. This does not taste as the blueberry this fruit as less sugar. This fruit is not cultivated they grow in the wild.



This is the most famous fruit among the berry family. It is well-known fruit across the world. Strawberries it tasted good and it most beneficial.
Strawberries mostly used for garnishing but it good amount health benefits.

 Strawberries help in a healthy heart because of polypheonels. It helps to boost the immune system too. Maintain a good amount of blood pressure.
It also diabetic control.helps in weight loss. Due to sweet taste, it helps for taste gland to regulated mood.

More information of Strawberry:


 Blackberry grow across the world and it tastes good. It is well known for the classy black look and tremendous taste. But this dark fruit has a bright amount of benefits.

 Blackberries contain a good amount of Vitamin C, manganese and vitamin K.It helps in the healthy heart by protecting effect against LDL-oxidation.
and reduce cardiovascular risk. Polyphenols that present in blackberry helps in reducing the radical cell that produces cancer.


 Raspberries one the cutest and underrated fruit in the present generation. by the way, it may be small in size but beneficial as much all big fruits and known fruits.
 This is known as the "nature candy". This has come with a bunch of colors like red, blue, yellow and orange.. etc.
 Intaking the high flavonoid-rich foods like raspberries Healthy heart. May help to prevent cancer, helps in weight loss, Good skin health and also good immune system.

More information of raspberries:


 Grapes by the name you can't see any berry as a surname to this fruit. But grapes are represented by the berry family. Grapes come in different colors and different taste. Grapes are famous all over the world.

 Packed of Antioxidants, Tremendous in Vitamin K, good for your stomach and can even be used for detoxifying your body. due to a good amount of potassium containt, it helps maintain blood pressure.

More information of grapes:


                                                   THANK YOU

TYPE OF BERRIES TYPE OF BERRIES Reviewed by Prashanth KP on June 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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