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Apple Juice


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 Apple is one of the healthiest fruit. but also apple juice is also one of the healthiest juice that can intake in your daily diet.

 In this article, I am going to say Apple juice how to make, Apple Juice recipe and Apple juice benefits.


  Ingredients 2 medium sized apples, 1 small cup milk, and 2 to 3 tablespoon of or honey. Now chop the apple into small pieces and keep all into the mixer. Now, pour cup milk in it, add 2 to 3 tablespoon of sugar or honey and some add ice cubes. Now on the mixer and make it a fine paste. Now, you can drain with the strainer. and healthy apple juice is ready to drink.

 The people how are lactose intolerance(who doesn't like milk products)

 Take 2 medium apples, a glass of water, 1 tablespoon and a bit of rock salt for taste. Now chop the apple in small pieces and keep all into mixer make sure that you have removed all seeds. now add sugar, and rock salt and pour some water and mix it well in the mixer. Now you drain it with the strainer and healthy apple juice is ready to drink.  



 Our body is made up of 70% water so it is the must that we should keep our body hydrated.
 Apple juice contains more than 80% of water and tastes wonderful. The people who are suffering from the dehydration problem.


 Apple juice consists of polyphenols which are good for heart health.
 Polyphenols can help in not build up the LDL (bad cholesterol) in your arteries. LDL is having high
 chances of heart stroke and increase heart attacks.


  Alkalinity that presents in the apple helps in the clear or destructive the waste material that present
 in our liver and maintain the good Ph level.
  The pectin that presents in apple helps in clear the gut helps in digestion.


 Apple Juice has the treasure of healthy nutrients including Boron, iron, Vitamin C and more vitamins A, E, B1, B2, and B6, etc with a good amount of calories. This combined nutrient helps the bones strong and healthy.


 Due to the good content of Vitamin C in apple, it helps in improving the immune system of your body. And helps fight against the germs and bacteria.

 NOTE: Taking to much apple juice also not good for health in different ways.
         Like may weight gain, high sugar, and low fiber and can also develop tooth decay

   "OUR LIFE IS BETWEEN THE EATING APPLE TO USING APPLE WERE WE ALL                                                                                                                                                         GROW"


                                                   THANK YOU 

Apple Juice Apple Juice Reviewed by Prashanth KP on May 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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